
Fighting for Survival: The Ngaanyatjarra of the Gibson Desert

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Fighting for Survival: The Ngaanyatjarra of the Gibson Desert

Fighting for Survival: The Ngaanyatjarra of the Gibson Desert

by Liz Thompson

All over the world indigenous people speak of the same experience of development. They are often marginalised, dispossessed of their land and robbed of their culture. Missionaries bring foreign belief systems, and children go to school rather than being taught by their elders. Social organization, law, magic, the environment, male and female roles, diet, clothing – all these things are in a state of transition as once-isolated communities come into contact with the outside world.

Through a montage of text and stunning photographs, diary extracts and the words of the people themselves, each book in the series explores the experience of change in a tribal culture: it’s fight for survival.        

Other Authors: Gary Proctor
Edition: illustrated
Published: Heinemann Library, 1998

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