Shire Services

At its formation, the Shire assumed responsibility for services previously provided by the Shire of Wiluna. Since then the Shire has been steadily improving and extending the range of services provided to the communities. In implementing these services the Council has needed to allow for the culture and sensitivities of the local communities.

road turnInitially in most instances this was achieved by making contributions to fund existing facilities and services such as ovals, street lights, welfare, TV and radio retransmission and culture. However increasingly the Shire is now taking the more conventional avenue and providing the service directly. This includes Health, Building, Tourism, Road Construction, Sealing and Unsealed Maintenance, Sports & Recreation (Warburton only due to funding), Project management and other community-based programs.

Current Services (limited to funding availability)

  • Management Services - Tjulyuru Cultural & Civic Centre.
  • Rubbish collection - Warburton, limited service (other locations ceased due to lack of funding).
  • Project Management.
  • School Holiday Program, Warburton (supported by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries).
  • Maintenance of Football/Recreation Oval - Warburton.                                                                  
  • Road construction and maintenance across the whole Shire.
  • Health services - Environmental Health Officer services all aboriginal communities within the Shire.
  • Building services - Building Surveyor issues building licences and inspects all new building and structures within the Shire.
  • Youth Drop-in Centre, Warburton.
  • Provide rebroadcasting of digital TV/Radio programmes Warburton & Blackstone.
  • Sport & Recreation Program, Warburton.
  • Local Emergency Management Arrangements
  • Compliance with State & Federal legislation



Recreational programs and activities are provided in Warburton by way of partnership approach.  

Road Construction and Maintenance

The Shire is responsible for the maintenance of all roads currently on the Shire's Road Inventory. The Shire currently tenders the work to contractors.

Major Roads maintained by the Shire:

  • Irrunytju Road: 136kms
  • Blackstone Access Road: 244kms
  • Tjukurla Road: 94kms
  • Tjirrkarli Road: 97kms
  • Wanarn Road: 19kms
  • Patjarr Road: 193kms
  • Mantamaru Road: 52kms
  • Nyinnga Road: 3kms
  • Warakurna Road: 8kms
  • Wingellina Road: 7kms
  • Kanpa Road: 25kms

Waste Collectionroad

Local governments have a critical role to play in coordinating the provision of municipal waste management services and the State Government has committed to working with the Shire to support the delivery of waste collection services.

Local Emergency Management Arrangements

The aim of the Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku, Local Emergency Management Arrangements is to provide a working document to address any perceived Emergency arising within the Shire.waste collection

The purpose of these emergency management arrangements is to set out:

  • the local government’s policies for emergency management;
  • the roles and responsibilities of public authorities and other persons involved in emergency management in the local government district;
  • provisions about the coordination of emergency operations and activities relating to emergency management;
  • a description of emergencies that are likely to occur in the local government district;
  • strategies and priorities for emergency management in the local government district;
  • other matters about emergency management in the local government district prescribed by the regulations; and
  • other matters about emergency management in the local government district the local government considers appropriate. (s.41(2) of the Act).