Register of fees and allowances paid to Elected Members

Local Government Act 1995 s5.96A

Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 R29C(f)

This register will be updated to the Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku website by no later than 14 July of each Financial Year, pursuant to Local Government Act 1995, s5.96A and Reg 29C(2)(f)&(5) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996.

Councillor Payment Amount
Damian McLean President's Allowance 6,000.00
Meeting Attendance Fees 6,340.00
Andrew Jones Deputy President's Allowance 375.00
Meeting Attendance Fees 2,180.00
Alwyn Bates Travel Allowance 807.45
Lalla West Meeting Attendance Fees 3,500.00
Joylene Frazer Meeting Attendance Fees 3,170.00
Julie Porter Meeting Attendance Fees 3,500.00
Debra Frazer Meeting Attendance Fees 3,080.00
Preston Thomas Deputy President's Allowance 1,125.00
Meeting Attendance Fees 1,650.00
Alex Benning Meeting Attendance Fees 880.00