Vision and Goals


The Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku – on a journey


As part of the Shire's development of its' Strategic Community Plan, community engagement has led to the development of three key themes which will underpin the development of goals and strategies. The goals and strategies under each theme create the framework for the delivery of sustainable outcomes to achieve our vision.

The three themes formed from the community engagement process include:

(1) Our People: Looking after our people - our communities are healthy, happy and informed

(2) Our Land: Looking after our land - which we all depend upon and love living on, and want to keep good for our children and grandchildren; and

(3) Our Leadership: Showing the way for our communities - doing the right things to look after our people and land.

These 3 themes are further detailed in the Shires' Plan for the Future (see Council Publications - Integrated Planning & Reporting Framework). Each theme is linked to goals with associated strategies for achievement.